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Axe in Tree Stump

Sunday - Thursday: By appointment only
Friday 5pm-10pm

Saturday Noon -10pm

821 East Main Street
Richmond, IN. 47374


Phone: 765-935-5549

Get in touch with your inner 6 ft 5-inch bear wrestling wood destroying lumberjack! Find out if you can hack it or if you’re as dull as that table saw you got from 5 Christmas’s ago that never got used.
Come see us at Tri-Axe Throwing!

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News and Updates

Oh Yeah!!! It is that time for everyone to grab your friends, family, co-workers, and even random strangers to create the largest groups you can because we are back!!!

Construction took longer than expected but we believe you will be beyond axe-cited to see the brand-new Tri-Axe Throwing!

New Feature that I am sure everyone will love, NO MORE STAIRS!!! Now you can limp, crawl, roll, walk, run, hover, teleport, or any other way you can find to get your axe out to see us, you can do now! 

Lookout for additional updates here or on our social medias that will be coming soon!


We look forward to all the continued support from our awesome community and surrounding areas!!

Image by Jon Sailer

Legal Stuff

We are axe-cited to have you and your group come throw some axes with us but there is some legal stuff we have to cover to keep all our axes safe!

  1. We need you to sign our "keep our axes safe" form. 

  2. Please wear close toed shoes because sharp blades are great at cutting off exposed limbs.

  3. The people that keep us legal have let us know that we can encourage everyone to join us but only those 12 years and older can throw the axes as long as they are with a parent or guardian.

  4. We encourage everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves and are making every effort to bring new stuff and items as quickly as we can but haven't been able to add alcohol or food yet but do allow you to bring in your own food choices but, sorry, no BYOB.

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We have four individual throwing lanes and a double lane. Each lane comes equipped with a hatchet or light axe and game card to create the most fun experience for you, your friends and family!

We have designed each lane to be 12 feet long to maximize your throwing success. We are hoping to begin league nights and WATL events in the future. So, get your team together and start practicing. 


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